Quarantine Writer's Guild


Off in a far away place
Below a sky garnished with white lace
Surrounded by shades of blue, green and a bright sphere of yellow
Where the atmosphere is either calm or anything but mellow

A storm
It appears at first without shape or form
Destroying the creation
With diabolical elation


Asshole Dave

There was screaming going on, coming from up ahead past the next intersection, and then gunshots, three of them, but Gary Benton kept walking straight forward. Nothing was going to stop him. A man came crashing out of a third story window and landed right in front of him, and he turned and walked around the tangled heap. Gary's limbs were pretty stiff, and he'd never been much of a runner, with his heart and all, but he was keeping a good pace, and he'd get there - oh yes, he'd get there.


Solid Steel Alchemancers

There are things that should be known to the readers of this tale:

axe: The rock guitarist's name for his guitar, not just for its shape but what it is used for.

riff: A phrase in an instrumental composition, like a single statement by a musician.

dragon scale: The word "scale" appears once in this story, and if you look it up in a dictionary you will find that almost every sense of the word in all forms of speech are utilized at once in that single instance. As it specifically relates to music, scales are large sets of notes that go together and are used to compose a song, centered on a particular sound. You have the A major scale, B minor scale, etcetera, and of course, the dragon scale.

Selene: The Moon's actual name. She dislikes being called "the Moon" as you might dislike being called "the Human" or some other such moniker.


Jake Raises The Sea

It was a beautiful sunny day at Point Dume in Malibu. The COVID-19 bullshit was finally over and everyone was enjoying themselves at the beach. People were chatting, eating, flirting and enjoying their favorite beach activities with new vigor. There was beach volley ball and ice cream, beach umbrellas of the sturdy variety were out in their many-colored display. Most people were in the water and waves in general as it was a rather hot day and the ocean was fresh and cool. There were people surfing, boogy-boarding, snorkeling, and there was a fair sized group of people climbing the rock wall that was Point Dume.


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