Quarantine Writer's Guild

Done It All

He’d done all. Everything. There was nothing left to do but watch and wait. He had set things to start rolling and now the boring part begins. He was sure that he’d thought every detail. It would come together mostly as he’d expected and that was all he could hope for when making a solar system .

So with high expectations he rested in the warmth of a newly formed sun as the third planet was a giant sea of ammonia.


Sweaters, Woolen coats and Microwaves

Jim Jamerson sipped on his drink which he had oh so ingeniously had put in his crystal wine glass. The shape of the glass allowed him to fully smell his drinks, a vital component in tasting what you're about to consume. He cringed but a little as the overly sweetened berry bubble gum flavor hit his palate or what he thought was berry bubble gum, the can which it originated was entirely in Korean with a blue demon dancing on a disco floor. Regardless the very best Korean DDR (whatever that was) players and some of the very the average Korean Starcraft players drank this to be on their best; and today if there ever was a day to be at his best it was today.

