Quarantine Writer's Guild

Walis in Underland

A small white furry creature with long ears and wearing a purple vest was seen through Dominic’s cross-hair scope. It scampered very rapidly up to the doors of the hangar with a heavily armed guard outside it. The small creature didn’t even have to break pace because the guard saw it coming from across the tarmac and cracked the door open for it. Interesting tactic, to use seemingly minimal security for such an expensive illegal operation. Dom gave the go ahead, “Sir, target two has arrived.”



Mission One

Ensign Antares W. Smith, Expeditions Executive, stepped through the bulkhead door from the mission equipment prep hangar and walked down the hall at a brisk pace. He stepped into his office a few doors down to review several reports on his holo screen. Everything was in order. He fired off a few dispatches to several of his juniors. Tomorrow would be a big day. They were arriving at the first planet in a series of ninety-eight solar systems that had been mapped out. The excitement through the ship was palpable as soon as deceleration started. Everyone was grinning to themselves and the Captain had to make regular pep talks during musters to keep things on track, encouraging people to not loose focus for a second.



Cool nights and sweltering hot days. Blue skies with gilded sunrises and painted sunsets. Rolling hills and piles of rocky ridges stretched out in an endless expanse of freedom. It had been a long time since James had seen people. He had spent the spring cow-punching a herd up North East from New Mexico to Wyoming. That job had finished a month ago. It wasn't his usual line of work but he felt like he needed some change and it paid just enough to get him by. After he got paid for the cow punching job he had decided to set out for the west coast and hadn't seen a person since.



Auron could feel the oppressive heat pressing around him. His feet grew uncomfortable as it permeated up from the black stone underneath. He continued on across the stone all senses strung tight on high alert.

The path of melted stone came around a vertical spire of cliff face and there were runes he did not recognize the meaning of carved into the floor on either side. Yet another mystery he added to the back of his mind. His ever growing list of questions. Though all of the surroundings were taken in in incredible detail, no lingering thought was left upon these questions, they were stored and they would wait. This was not a time to be anywhere but here and now.


Dragon's Hammer

The air was brisk as the sun crested the horizon. The stars had fled with the coming of dawn. Auron moved along the road at a slow pace. His old town was deserted. As he expected. But as he began to see things familiar to him he was gripped by emotion. His transformation did not remove his memories. It nor did it stem the flow of grief or fury.

He stopped in front of the burned remains of a foundation. There had been so many good people here. The town was successful and flourishing. A center of trade in the North. Fur trappers, carpenters, masons, shipwrights, stables, farms, brewers, silversmiths. There was so much potential for more. Greg had started a school. Greg was slain on a horseman’s lance.


Jake Raises The Sea

It was a beautiful sunny day at Point Dume in Malibu. The COVID-19 bullshit was finally over and everyone was enjoying themselves at the beach. People were chatting, eating, flirting and enjoying their favorite beach activities with new vigor. There was beach volley ball and ice cream, beach umbrellas of the sturdy variety were out in their many-colored display. Most people were in the water and waves in general as it was a rather hot day and the ocean was fresh and cool. There were people surfing, boogy-boarding, snorkeling, and there was a fair sized group of people climbing the rock wall that was Point Dume.


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